Warning: fbird_connect(): Unable to complete network request to host "localhost". Failed to establish a connection. in /srv/website/bitweaver5/externals/adodb/drivers/adodb-firebird.inc.php on line 68
Install Bitweaver - Server

Server Settings Check

Server settings

Required Settings

The settings below are required by Bitweaver to run. If any of these settings are not met, you will have to change these before you can continue with the installation process.

PHP version is greater than 4.3.0.
Your installed version of PHP is 7.3.33.

The Bitweaver configuration file is available and the file is writeable:

The storage directory is available and it is writeable.

The temp directory is available and it is writeable.

We have detected that we cannot access the _SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] variable from your browser. This can be because you have bookmarked this page and accessed this page directly. If so, this will probably not cause any problems during installation. However, if you came here from the welcome page, you are probably using some sort of firewall which is blocking this information (a common example is Norton Firewall). Please disable this feature or the firewall until the installation process is completed.

Your system meets all the requirements. You are ready to install Bitweaver.

Recommended PHP Settings

The following are settings that aren't strictly required by Bitweaver to run, but are recommendations. Bitweaver might still operate if your settings do not quite match the recommended. These settings can be adjusted by changing appropriate values in your php.ini file. If you should have problems setting these, please consult the documentation in the php.ini file itself and the PHP homepage.

php.ini setting should be actual
Memory Limit at least 16M 1024M
Safe Mode OFF OFF
Display Errors OFF ON
File Uploads ON ON
Magic Quotes GPC OFF OFF
Magic Quotes Runtime OFF OFF
Magic Quotes Sybase OFF OFF
Register Globals OFF OFF
Output Buffering OFF OFF
Session auto start OFF OFF

Not all the recommended setting have been met. However, your site might still work without problems. Please keep these settings in mind if you run into problems.

Recommended Extensions

Bitweaver takes advantage of particular PHP extensions for full functionality. If any of these extensions are not available to Bitweaver, particular features might not work and it might even render particular packages useless.

All recommended extensions are installed.

Recommended PEAR Extensions

PEAR provides extensions to PHP, which can easily be installed and updated using the pear interface on Linux. None of the extenstions below are required, they always provide an alternative to the existing methods available. Often these alternatives are superior to the default methods.

Installation help: None of the recommend extension are required. However, they do enhance some Bitweaver features. To install PEAR for your Bitweaver site, choose one of the following methods. Users in a shared hosting environment without PEAR should download the pre-packed set:

Recommended Executables

Here we test for a set of executable files on your server. These files are not mandatory but will enable you to perform certain tasks. We generally try to avoid using external applications, but sometimes it's the easiest and quickest way to achieve a certain goal.

Please bear in mind that certain options will not be available to you due to the fact that some of the applications Bitweaver uses are not available. E.g., if unzip is not available, .zip files cannot be processed after uploading them.

Settings worth knowing about

The settings below are for your information, meant to help you work out problems that might occur.

  • Maximum post size restricts the size of files uploaded using a form.
    Recommended: at least 8M.
    post_max_size is set to 513M
  • Upload max filesize is related to maximim post size and will also limit the size of uploads.
    Recommended: at least 8M.
    upload_max_filesize is set to 513M
  • Maximum execution time is related to time outs in PHP. It affects database upgrades and backups.
    Recommended: 60.
    max_execution_time is set to 180