Warning: fbird_connect(): Unable to complete network request to host "localhost". Failed to establish a connection. in /srv/website/bitweaver5/externals/adodb/drivers/adodb-firebird.inc.php on line 68
Install Bitweaver - Done

Installation Complete

Installation has been completed sucessfully

Your system is ready for use now.

Bitweaver offers helpnotes throughout. Should you require more help, you can always contact Bitweaver's developers by any of the means mentioned below. To find out more about existing packages and how to install them, visit Bitweaver Features.

To get in contact with Bitweaver developers:

If you feel like contributing to Bitweaver, contact us! Bitweaver is free and Open Source to all. Translators, testers, admins, release managers, developers, programmers, designers, we want you! :)

Some final notes

  • Linux
    Change the directory permission with chmod 000 install/. If you need to run the installer again, you will have to revert the permissions with chmod 755 install/.
  • Windows
    Rename install/install_inc.php to something like install/install_inc.php.done
  • bitweaver Configuration
    We urge you to look at your config/kernel/config_inc.php file. It has various useful settings for sites in production. One of these is the IS_LIVE parameter. Setting this to TRUE will prevent any visible bug reports and will therefore not display sensitive information to the user.
  • For production sites, we recommend you visit our Bitweaver Performance page on how to optimise your Bitweaver install.
  • Please also have a look at your config/kernel/config_inc.php file. It contains various settings that cannot be set elsewhere and which might be of interest to you.

Finally, we thank you again for using Bitweaver.